Monday, March 30, 2020

In worst case scenario, 200,000 Americans could die from COVID19: White House

 Sending out a dire warning, the White House on Sunday projected America’s peak death toll from the coronavirus is likely in two weeks coinciding with Easter weekend and in a worst-case scenario, a total of 100,000 to 200,000 Americans could eventually succumb to the virus.

“It’s possible. It’s entirely possible that would happen if we don’t mitigate. What we’re trying to do is to not let that happen,” America’s top infectious diseases doctor, Anthony Fauci said at a White House briefing in the Rose Garden on Sunday.

Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus response coordinator, explained that the model which is predicting the 100,000-200,000 death toll number assumes that social distancing is happening at scale.

“In the model, there’s a large confidence interval. In that model, they make the full assumption that we continue doing everything that we are doing and even better. We are hoping that the models aren’t completely right,” Birx said.

At the same time, Fauci urged Americans not to get “overly anxious” about the extremes of the models. “Models are as good as the assumptions you put into it,” Fauci said.

US President Donald Trump said that the grim numbers come from the “most accurate” study so far which landed on his desk Sunday.

Trump said, “2.2 million people would have died if we did not do the social distancing and all that. If we could hold that down to a 100,000 – it’s a horrible number – we’ve done a very good job.”

Trump announced that the US is extending the social distancing guidelines currently in place till April 30.

Seeking to reassure Americans, Trump said, “By June 1, we will be well on our way to recovery.”

By Sunday, the US death toll crossed the 2,300 marks and its caseload, already the world’s maximum rose to more than 135,000.

By now, at least 1 in three Americans are under some form of a government order to stay home and slow the spread of the virus. Schools have shut, businesses are operating with bare minimum staff and America’s neighborhoods are enveloped in an otherworldly kind of silence.

The initial ’15 days to slow the spread’ guidelines issued by the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were announced on March 16. The guidelines are voluntary and many states which have emerged as COVID-19 hotspots have implemented stricter rules for locals.

Last week, Trump had talked up the “reopening” of the US economy by Easter Sunday which falls on April 12. Medical professionals reacted with alarm, warning that this timeline would be too soon.

Trump backtracked this weekend on a threat to quarantine New York and neighboring states while the CDC issued a travel advisory urging residents of New York City, New York State, New Jersey, and Connecticut to avoid all nonessential travel for 14 days.

In New York, which remains the epicenter of the outbreak, Governor Andrew Cuomo is saying that the virus is spreading “like fire through dry grass”. The White House task force has already warned that the effects of mitigation efforts and social distancing won’t be seen at least until the end of the coming week.

As Americans hunker down, Fauci has struck a cautiously upbeat tone saying he feels “confident” with all the knowledge now available on the virus. “We will have some sort of therapy, that gives at least a partial if not very good protection in preventing progression of the disease,” he said this week. Randomized control trials are how the US is planning to get the best drug as quickly and safely as possible to the people.

As the White House task force gets more data from domestic cases, Birx noted that “we’re seeing things here that weren’t reported from other places.”

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Nirbhaya case: Documentary evidence concealed to falsely implicate Mukesh

A Delhi court on Tuesday reserved the order on an application moved by one of the convicts facing the gallows in Nirbhaya rape and murder case, Mukesh Singh, seeking quashing of the death penalty on the ground that he was not in the national capital when the crime was committed.

Mukesh, through his counsel M.L. Sharma, filed an application claiming that he was arrested from Rajasthan and brought to Delhi on December 17, 2012, a day after the incident.

Sharma contended that the prosecution deliberately concealed the documentary evidence regarding picking Mukesh from Karoli in Rajasthan “just to falsely implicate him”.

Public Prosecutor Irfan Ahmad told the court that the application is frivolous and is a mere tactic to delay hanging.

He, along with three other convicts — Vinay, Akshay, and Pawan, is scheduled to be executed on March 20 at 5:30 a.m. for raping and murdering a 23-year-old physiotherapy student, dubbed later as Nirbhaya, on December 16, 2012.

In the application, he also claimed of being tortured in the Tihar Jail where he is currently lodged.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

गर्भपात की सीमा 20 से बढ़ा कर 24 सप्ताह करने का विधेयक लोकसभा में पेश

  • विधेयक में स्त्रियों की सुरक्षा और कल्याण की दिशा में कदम उठाए गए हैं

नई दिल्ली। लोकसभा में सोमवार 2 मार्च को गर्भ का चिकित्सकीय समापन संशोधन विधेयक 2020 पेश किया गया। इस विधेयक में गर्भपात की मंजूर सीमा को वर्तमान 20 सप्ताह से बढ़ाकर 24 सप्ताह करने का प्रावधान किया गया है। स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्री डॉ हर्षवर्धन ने निचले सदन में इस विधेयक को पेश किया। इस दौरान दिल्ली हिंसा को लेकर कांग्रेस सहित विपक्षी सदस्य सदन में नारेबाजी कर रहे थे।

इस विधेयक को पिछले महीने केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल की मंजूरी मिली थी। विधेयक के उद्देश्यों एवं कारणों में कहा गया है कि इसका मकसद स्त्रियों की विधिक और सुरक्षित गर्भपात सेवाओं तक पहुंच में वृद्धि करने तथा असुरक्षित गर्भपात के कारण मातृ मृत्यु दर और अस्वस्थता दर एवं उसकी जटिलताओं में कमी लाना है। सरकार के अनुसार इस विधेयक के तहत गर्भपात की सीमा को बढ़ाकर 24 सप्ताह करने से दुष्कर्म पीडि़ता और निशक्त लड़कियों को मदद मिलेगी।

विधेयक में कहा गया है कि गर्भपात की मंजूर सीमा को वर्तमान 20 सप्ताह से बढ़ाकर 24 सप्ताह करने का प्रस्ताव किया गया है। इसके लिए दो पंजीकृत चिकित्सा पेशेवरों की राय की अपेक्षा की गई है। मेडिकल बोर्ड द्वारा जांच में पाई गई शारीरिक भ्रूण संबंधी विषमताओं के मामले में गर्भावस्था की ऊपरी सीमा लागू नहीं होगी। इसमें उस स्त्री की निजता की संरक्षा करने की बात कही गई है, जिसकी गर्भावस्था का समापन किया जा रहा है। इसमें कहा गया है कि विधेयक में स्त्रियों की सुरक्षा और कल्याण की दिशा में कदम उठाए गए हैं। हाल के दिनों में अदालतों में कई याचिकाएं दाखिल की गईं, जिनमें भ्रूण संबंधी विषमताओं या महिलाओं के साथ यौन हिंसा की वजह से गर्भधारण के आधार पर मौजूदा स्वीकृत सीमा से अधिक गर्भावस्था की अवधि पर गर्भपात कराने की अनुमति मांगी गई।