Amid a national brouhaha over the developments in Kolkata on Sunday evening involving CBI and West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee, Bihar CM and NDA ally Nitish Kumar played it down saying election is round the corner and many things will happen in next one month.
However when asked about imposition of President rule in West Bengal, Nitish said, “It is not possible since the matter is under hearing of the Supreme court.”
Nitish added,” All parties are concerned about votes but none is concerned about the nation.”
On the police lathi charge on RLSP chief and former Union minister Upendra Kushwaha in which he was injured on Saturday, Nitish said everything was on record who provoked police. Asking DGP Gupteshwar Pandey to direct police force for observing patience, the CM said the police react only when it is hit and when the police react only a senior officer could stop them.
On Congress president Rahul Gandhi’s rally at Gandhi maidan, Nitish said any party could make any promises before polls. He asked why during Congress or UPA governments at centre Patna University was not accorded central University status?
He said Rahul compromised his image by joining hands with those convicted in corruption cases (Lalu Yadav). ” It is the same person who had torn the ordinance and enhanced his image but nie corruption was no longer an issue for him.”
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